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‘Local Offer’ for Children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities

All nurseries and Preschool Settings are required to publish and review information for parents and carers about the support and provision for children with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities.

1} How does the Pre-school know if my child needs extra help and what should I do if I think my child has Special Educational Needs?

All staff are committed to early identification of special educational needs. When the child starts at our setting they will have a Learning Journal which is a shared document between the Key person and parent/carer containing important and relevant information about the child. Observations, photographs and next steps are kept within this folder and this information provides an overview of the child’s developmental progress.

If you have a concern about your child’s development or progress or believe they have a special educational need, this can be discussed with the Pre-School Manager, Deputy Manager or the child’s key person. Additional assessment or support can then be discussed with the SENCO {Sarah Gercke or Dee Snelson}.

2} How does the Pre-School support my child?

Each child is allocated a key person who has overall responsibility for observing and completing the Learning Journal and tracking the child’s developmental progress.

All practitioners attend training on SEND, behavioural management and other relevant courses and are encouraged to attend ongoing training regularly.

3} How will the curriculum be adapted to meet my child’s needs?

All practitioners continuously communicate with all parents/carers about their child’s learning and development. In addition to this, once a term the child’s key person will share the Learning Journal and discuss your child’s next steps with the parent/carer and this provides an opportunity to share ideas together on how to support your child’s development.

If the curriculum needs to be adapted to meet your child’s needs we will do this by complying a One Page Profile and Individual Plan with the parent/carer and seeking input from outside professionals if appropriate.

4} How do the staff and I know how my child is progressing and how will the pre-school help me to support my child?

At Little Acorns we use the ‘Graduated Approach’ which helps us to decide on the level of support and type of strategies to be put in place for your child.

The SENCO attends regular meetings with West Sussex County Council and cascades relevant information to the staff team.

5} What support is available for my child’s overall wellbeing?

All staff support each child’s self-care by allowing children who are learning to use the toilet to learn at their own pace and encourage them by working together with parents/carers towards a common goal. Where possible Little Acorns are keen to mirror strategies and routines form home to ensure continuity of learning.

Little Acorns provides a safe and happy environment for children to thrive in.

6} What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the Pre-school?

The SENCO attends relevant training which enables her to support the staff team effectively if any concerns are raised about a child. With parental permission, the SENCO can contact the Early Years Childcare Advisor {EYCA} or Early Help Team should we need additional support to meet your child’s needs.

The SENCO has overall responsibility for the day-to-day implementation of the SEND policy and for co-ordinating provision across the setting supporting practitioners in all aspects of their work with children with SEND.

Any specialist services or support is made known to parents and families through conversations during parent/key person meetings and individual conversations with the SENCO.

7} What training are the staff supporting children with SEND, had or are having?

All staff attend Early Years training and additional training recommended to us by outside agencies or relevant to current individual health/medical needs. Relevant information from all training attended is cascaded to the rest of the staff in the setting.

8} How will my child be included in activities outside the Pre-school setting including trips?

Parental consent is required for any activity/outing taking place outside the setting. All children with consent will be included and the setting will ensure careful consideration to enable every child is able to experience the activity to the full.

We are able to access the school grounds and use play equipment, visit the chickens and use the outdoor classroom. In addition to this, we have visits from the Book Bus and go on walks to see our Local Community.

9} How accessible is the Pre-school setting environment for your child?

Little Acorns is a purpose built single storey building on the site of Bersted Green Primary School. There is a ramp up to the main entrance of the building providing access for wheelchair users. We have a disabled toilet facility. We are able to make reasonable adaptations to allow any child to experience all the activities on offer.

10} How will the Pre-school prepare and support my child to join the setting, transfer to a new setting/school or a change in family circumstances?

All children are offered settling in visits prior to starting at the Pre-school. This provides an opportunity for the parent to ask any questions as well as gathering lots of information about the child to help them settle in. All new children are provided with an ‘All About Me’ form and a Welcome Pack, outlining the various activities/resources on offer at the Pre-school.

We liaise closely with additional/previous settings that the child may attend and with parental consent, share relevant information.

We have very close links with Bersted Green Primary School and welcome visits from new teachers from other local primary schools who may wish to visit children who will be starting school. Any information required is discussed prior to start dates and any relevant paperwork/transition forms are forwarded to the school.

All staff are always readily available to listen and discuss a change at home are always supportive and non-judgemental.

11} How is the Pre-school allocating Special Educational Needs funding and resources in relation to my child's needs?

Both rooms in the Pre-school are well resourced and age appropriate. Practitioners plan activities around a weekly theme, the child’s interests and developmental abilities, to ensure all children’s experiences are full of learning opportunities through a play based environment.

Any additional funding received for a child is directly allocated to their needs. This may be spent on extra staff, specialised staff and/or resources to benefit that child specifically.

EYPP {Early Years Pupil Premium} is spent directly on the child it was allocated for and the way it is spent is decided through the information gathered about development and extensive conservation with SENCO, Key workers, Managers and outside professionals/agencies where appropriate.

12} How will the Pre-school decide about what type and how much support my child receives?

The SENCO will work closely with the family and outside agencies to ensure your child is receiving all the additional support required. The SENCO will compile a One Page Profile and Individual Plan which will be shared with all staff in the Pre-School to ensure continuity of care and support.

13} How are parents involved in the Pre-School?

We welcome parents to be involved in our setting and welcome feedback both positive and negative to ensure we are constantly improving our practice. We will address any issues/concerns that are raised and will work to resolve them. Complaints can be made to the Pre-school Manager or Deputy Manager or taken to the Chairperson of the Pre-school Committee {Katie Jarvis}

 We encourage parents to consider a place on the Committee should a place arise.

We invite parents to regular meetings in connection with their child’s learning and development {once a term} and events such as watching our Christmas show.

14} Who can I contact for further Information?

Please contact the Pre-school Manager {Shola Attryde} or Deputy Manager {Sarah Gercke} who will be happy to assist you and answer any questions that you may have. An appointment can be arranged for you to visit the setting and add your child’s name to our waiting list if required. Our SENCO is always available if you wish to discuss any concerns or developmental needs for your child.

For further information please contact the family information service on 01243 777807.

Local Offer: About Us
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